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MS-64 Solved Assignment

MS-64 Solved Assignment

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  • Version: 2023 Jan - June

Soft Copy: Yes
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University: IGNOU
Course: Master of Business Administration

Q&A of Mba MS-64 Solved Assignment 2023 - International Marketing

Q. The EPRG framework has implications on the strategy formulation process. Explain with help of example in the India context.

Q. What do you understand by the term political risk? In your opinion is it country specific or firm specific or both? Elaborate giving examples.

Q. What are the different parties in a letter of credit? Explain the step-by-step procedure of realising export proceeds.

Q. Why do you think a company should or should not market the same product in the same way around the world? Explain with the help of suitable examples.

Q. With the help of an example explain how a marketing manager can use "country attractiveness / competitive strength" matrix to define the direction of growth for the organisation.

Product Details: Mba MS-64 Solved Assignment 2023

Course: Ignou MBA (Master of Business Administration)
Session: Jan - June 2023 July - Dec
Subject: International Marketing

Old Sample Answers of Mba Ignou MS-64 Assignments

Q. Write a note on Polycentric, Geocentric, Ethnocentric and regiocentric orientation
Answer. Polycentricity is to differentiate totally the service package as per the needs of the market of the host country......... This orientation is totally opposite to that............ The assumption is that every market is unique with a different set of characteristics. Companies focus on identifying differences between the markets and design the marketing programme in such a way that specifically addresses the...........
The polycentric orientation operates under the premise that countries around the world have so many differences in ........... that striving to translate practices from one country to another may be fruitless. Therefore, when a ........... orientation, it adapts its products, marketing and support functions for each............

Ethnocentricity refers to a feeling of superiority of the company products and services over the same........... Thus, it is a strong orientation of the company toward the home country. The company personnel believe that the services offered in the home country will be accepted as.......... also. The management does not want to change the service package for international markets as it sees more similarities and assumes that its services are superior to that of the .......... in the foreign market...........
Organizations that are designed with an ethnocentric focus will portray certain tendencies. ........... headquarters that's decision-making authority is relatively high. Home standards are applied to the evaluation and control of the organization. These standards are to ensure............ Ethnocentric attitudes can be seen in the organizations communication process. This is evident when there is constant advice, and counsel from the headquarters to the subsidiary............ bears the message, "This works at home; therefore it must work in your country"............ portray ethnocentrism usually identify themselves with the nationality of the owner............Get Ignou Mba MS-64 Solved Assignment 2023 Jan - June International Marketing..........

Geocentricity is the widely followed philosophy world over. It is in a way a compromise ............ polycentricity, which directs to two extreme ends. Geocentricity has global orientation rather than to one ............ markets. Companies identify global similarities and local distinctions and develop programmes to satisfy both the elements. Thus, ............ and localization of differentials are the key strength of this orientation. Global plus local becomes "glocal." The geocentric philosophy promotes glocal orientation. This ............ global brands and strengthen brand equity globally.............
While there are many obstacles that will ............. ability to become geocentric, there are also a ............. which will drive them towards this. For instance, there is the loss of national sovereignty when one nation is dominated by another - this can lead to a loss in economic and political nationalism.............. the feeling from host countries that receive ............. international profits that only fuels the lack of trust toward big corporations felt by political leaders of .............

This regiocentric approach suggests that product planning may be standardized within a region (e.g., a group of ............. as Western Europe, but not across regions. Products may be manufactured regionally as well. Similarly, advertising, promotional, ............. also be shared by subsidiaries in the region. In order for the company to develop its regional image in the marketplace, ............. new regional brands to beef up its regional operations. General Motors has a regional subsidiary, Opel (headquartered in ............. GM and Opel cars with a strong European distinction. In more recent years, GM, unable to sell its way into Japan for a long time, has quietly formed a network of equity ............. auto makers to expand into this once-impenetrable market and to serve as a platform for its Asian expansion. Even when having difficulty occupying a market, a firm ............. regarding an alliance or partnership that can lead it into the market..............

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