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MS-91 Solved Assignment

MS-91 Solved Assignment

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  • Version: 2023 Jan - June

Soft Copy: Yes
Downloadable File: Yes
University: IGNOU
Course: Master of Business Administration

Q&A of MS-91 Solved Assignment 2023 - Advanced Strategic Management

Q. Describe the concept of corporate planning. Discuss the implementation of corporate planning in detail.


Q. Discuss the nature and scope of corporate management and its role in non-business organizations, giving examples.


Q. "Different market structures have different viewpoints with respect to competition". Explain the statement with respect to market structures and sustainable competitive advantage.


Q. Discuss the issues and challenges in knowledge management in the present competitive environment.


Q. Select any service organization of you choice and explain how Information Technology has enhanced the quality of service of this organization.


Q. Write short notes
a) Social Audit
b) Innovation and Creativity
c) Dynamic Environment
d) Narayana Murthy Committee


Product Details: Mba MS-91 Solved Assignment 2023

Course: IGNOU MBA (Master of Business Administration)
Session: Jan - June 2023 July - Dec
Subject: Advanced Strategic Management

Old Sample Answers for Mba Ignou MS 91 Assignments

Q. What is Knowledge Management?
Answer. Knowledge is increasingly recognized as the most important resource in organizations and a key differentiating factor in business today. It is increasingly being acknowledged that Knowledge Management can bring about the much needed innovation and improved business performance in the construction industry........... Knowledge management is the effective learning process associated with exploring, exploitation and sharing of human knowledge that use the appropriate technology and cultural environments to enhance an organization's intellectual capital and performance......... Knowledge Management is a management strategy and thinking framework which has been an established discipline since 1995 with a body of academic courses and both professional and academic journals dedicated to it. Most large companies have resources dedicated to Knowledge Management, often as a part of "Information Technology" or "Human Resource Management" departments, strategic planning, and sometimes reporting directly to the head of the organization. Not available in sample of Ignou Mba MS-91 Solved Assignment 2023 Jan - June or July-Dec.... Knowledge Management is a multi-billion dollar worldwide market............ Researchers have divided the knowledge management process into different sub-processes; Sinthavalai (2008) classified knowledge management process into four sub-processes: knowledge acquirement, knowledge sharing, knowledge utilization, and knowledge development and creation. Khan (2012) proposed six sub-processes: create knowledge, capture knowledge, refine knowledge, store knowledge, manage knowledge, and disseminate knowledge........... There are two fundamental approaches of knowledge management that organizations can adopt. The first approach is the process approach which attempts to codify organizational knowledge through formalized controls, processes and technologies......

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