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MS-93 Solved Assignment

MS-93 Solved Assignment

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  • Version: 2023 Jan - June

Soft Copy: Yes
Downloadable File: Yes
University: IGNOU
Course: Master of Business Administration

Q&A of MS-93 Solved Assignment 2023 - Management of New and Small Enterprises

Q. What are the various components of entrepreneurial competencies? Differentiate between Competence and Skill.


Q. Explain the concept of Break-Even Analysis. Discuss how Break Even Point is calculated.


Q. Define market demand. Discuss the various elements which determine market demand.


Q. "Plant location is a strategic decision that has to be arrived at after careful deliberations of various factors involved." With reference to the statement given above discuss the factors that have to be taken into account while locating a plant.


Q. Why is Stabilization phase regarded as the most critical phase in the life of any enterprise? Discuss the stabilization strategies adopted to stabilize an enterprise.


Q. Write short notes on any two of the following:
(a) Venture Capital
(b) Securities and Exchange Board of India
(c) Principle of Conservatism


Product Details: Mba MS-93 Solved Assignment 2023

Course: IGNOU MBA (Master of Business Administration)
Session: Jan - June 2023 July - Dec
Subject: Management of New and Small Enterprises

Old Sample Answers for Mba Ignou MS-93 Assignments

Q. Write a note on Industrial Policy Statement of 1991
Answer. Despite the impressive growth performance of the New Industrial Policy Statement of 1980, serious budgetary and fiscal deficits of the government and balance of payment crises led India to a critical economic and financial situation....... The country was almost on the brink of defaulting international payments..........
New Industrial Policy Statement (NIPS) of 1991 adopted two major policy instruments for promoting this competition....... First, it reduced the height of the main barrier to entry, viz., licensing to almost zero through a complete delicensing of all the industries, except for a small group of industries; and second, it adopted a much more welcoming attitude towards the entry of the MNCs to our industrial sector.......
As a part of the liberalisation, a new industrial policy was announced by the Government of India in two parts, on July 24, 1991 and August 6, 1991, respectively. Some of the major aspects of the industrial policy were as.......Industrial licensing dispensed with exception in 18 items. Foreign Direct investment (FDI) up to 51 per cent of equity allowed in high-priority industries. The threshold of the assets of MRTP companies and dominant undertakings removed. Automatic clearance introduced for import of capital goods, provided foreign-exchange requirement for such import are met through foreign equity. Automatic permission for foreign technology agreements in high priority industries up to a sum of Rs 1 crore granted.......... Foreign equity proposals need not be accompanied by foreign technology agreement........ Existing and new industrial units provided with broad-banding facility to produce any article so long as no additional investment in plant and machinery is involved........ Exemption from licensing will apply to all substantial expansion of existing units. Pre eminent role of public sector in eight core areas including arms and ammunitions, mineral oils, rail transport, and mining of coal and mineral.......... Part of government's shareholding in public sector is proposed to be disinvested, which will be offered to mutual funds, financial institutions, general public, and workers. Chronic loss-making public sector units to be referred to the Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction (BIFR) for formulation of revival schemes.......... Not available in sample of Ignou Mba MS-93 Solved Assignment July - Dec 2023 Jan - June Management of New and Small Enterprises ....
The objectives of the 1991 policy included: Reducing or minimising the bureaucratic control of the industrial economy of India, Liberalisation of industrial and economic activities for integrating the Indian economy with the world economy, Removing restrictions on foreign direct investment, Freeing the domestic entrepreneur from excessive MRTP restrictions, and Streamlining the role of public sector enterprises...........

Q. Write a note on Commercial Banks
Answer. Commercial banks constitute the kind of banks people usually have in mind every time they speak of banks........ They are basically engaged in the business of receiving money from their customers in the form of deposits and providing them with money in the form of loans....... Even though these two activities are certainly the main part of the commercial banking business (in terms of the weight they have on the Balance Sheets of these organizations), both commercial banks' liabilities and assets are broader in range and don't fit such a narrow definition.......
Commercial banks process payments through a variety of means that include telegraphic transfers, Internet banking, and electronic funds transfer. Commercial banks issue bank checks and drafts as well as accept money on term deposits...... Commercial banks also act as moneylenders by way of installment and overdrafts. Commercial banks also deal with a number of export-import trading documents including letters of credit, performance bonds, security underwriting commitments, and various types of balance sheet guarantees......... Commercial banks also provide safe deposit boxes for valuables and documents. The relevant departments in large commercial banks provide currency exchange functions.........

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